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Saturday, November 23, 2013

birthday stuff! (old news I forgot to post)

This is from September, but I thought I'd post it anyway...

I went to Hojoya again on Saturday night! I got to eat some of the food and really had a great time with my co-worker/student/friend!

I made my favorite, mentaiko pasta with alfredo sauce!

My friend gave me these shorts for my birthday, very stylish and Japanese! Dunno if I can pull it off, but I'll try...

And this adorable Hello Kitty outfit! It looks like a regular hoodie, but it actually comes down into a kind of short dress!

1 comment:

  1. Hello hello!
    I found your blog through your International TEFL academy interview about teaching in Japan. I'm accredited and teaching in Vietnam right now, but want to move to Japan in September this year... I'm enjoying the blog posts (Hello Kitty sweater-dress does sound kind of adorable) but was hoping we could chat via email! ( ) Please send me a message after you're settled in from Singapore.:-)
    Happy New Year.:-)
