I decided to check out McDonald's this time, and found that they have breakfast! I ordered something but apparently they never come with drinks, so I ordered the drink separately. I went to find my work place since I knew that it would be closed and I wouldn't have to embarrass myself by meeting my coworkers by surprise. Unfortunately, I couldn't figure out which building it was since I didn't see any building numbers anywhere. I saw a cool statue though:
After this, I went to the grocery store to get some food for later, then when I came back to the hotel, the lady asked if I was going out again. Apparently they had to clean my room? I told her I would go out again before 3pm and so I did a little research on where my workplace was as well as things I could do while I'm out. I found a place that had bowls since the cleaning lady threw out the ramen bowl I had saved earlier, so I planned on going there. I also wanted to get a parasol since that's what every woman has if they don't wear sunblock. I figured it'd be cheaper than to keep buying sunblock, and it's embarrassing because I'm so tan and stand out a lot!
Here's what it looks like on a lazy Sunday, the streets were pretty empty:
I went out to this place called the Loft where there's another McDonald's as its landmark. I got a huge blister from the crappy cheap shoes I stupidly bought online, so when I got to the Loft (which apparently carries everything on its 8+ floors), I was able to get a bandaid made especially for blisters. I found a bathroom and once I put it on, I didn't feel it at all! My feet didn't hurt the rest of the time, which was nice. I went to the third floor and found myself a cute bowl. It was the cheapest one that wasn't just plain white and that was big enough to fit my udon noodles I had bought. The other bowls were really cute and cheap, but would only fit half of the noodles so I will probably go back and get some later. Here's the bowl:

I was able to find my way to my workplace finally, and I was so glad that it wasn't as hard as I thought! It is extremely tiny and I'm kind of worried that we do a lot of outside teaching where I'm going to have to travel to different places, because I'm obviously not so good at finding my way around the city. . . but at least I found my workplace! I wish I took a picture of it, it just felt weird that the whole floor was empty and I didn't want to get in trouble if I was caught there. I just took a quick peek and saw about 8 cubicles and a main desk which is probably where the principal will sit, as well as a table in an open area with two chairs which is probably for group lessons.
My room still wasn't ready, so I went to the cafe next door and got an iced tea which is nothing like the tea back home, it has such a good flavor! Here's a picture of the gum syrup I was talking about earlier:
When they finished cleaning my room, I went up and ate my "Doritos" which they call "Dontacos." They pretty much taste like tacos, not like Doritos:
I also ate some noodles that I'd bought and fell asleep from around 7-9, then couldn't go back to sleep until 1, then woke up again at 3, then finally decided to get up at around 6am and take a shower, and now I'm here . . . I think I got a total of 4 hours of sleep?! I hope this doesn't happen come Wednesday when I have to work . ..
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