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Saturday, September 1, 2012

Random phone pictures!

 Here are the pictures I meant to upload from my phone. I guess I never did, so here they are!
 Cute flower thing promoting something. It was so small but I really think there was an adult in there! It was adorable, I wanted to hug it! ^_^

KFC, asian style! I knew Col. Sanders was part Japanese . . .

This is the building that I work in, I keep forgetting to take a picture of where I work. I guess if I get there early one day I can take a picture of it from the outside. 

This is me with the parasol that I got out here because it gets so hot. The girls out here use it to keep their skin white, but I did it to keep out of the hot sun!

My first Japanese-style toilet! It was . . . interesting . . . but when you gotta go, you gotta go.


  1. I wanna hug the ... Flowwwerr!!?!

    My mom got really confused after I said Col. Sanders was half Japanese! LAWL!

    1. HAHAHA! Yes I wanted to hug the flower thing too, but didn't know if it was appropriate for adults. I forgot I was in Japan though, so of course it was! ^_^ I hope to see it again so I can hug it! I'm much taller than it though so I might knock the person over on accident, haha

      yes, Col. Sanders is most definitely at least half Japanese, I've proven it . . .

  2. I see Asian women across the street at Kansas State University using umbrellas, but most of them are Chinese. It must be an Asian and not just Japanese thing (or maybe the Chinese are imitating the Japanese?).

  3. Maybe it is both Chinese and Japanese, but Chinese women use a different kind of parasol I think, or at least that's what I was told. I know Japanese women are concerned about keeping their skin out of the sun because they don't want to get wrinkles, but I'm not sure about Chinese women.
